Money Frog

A smart and quick investment platform that manages your wealth portfolio


Moneyfrog lets its users invest in mutual funds, including systematic investment planning (SIP) and equity-linked savings. Moneyfrog offers Mutual Fund Investments & Wealth Services, through a Hybrid Model; a Tech-Platform supported by a Human-Touch, to help you make the most of your Investments. Life-Long, and leaving all your Investment worries with them.


Rubik Family




Color Palette

Yellow Green


Yellow Crayola


Eerie Black


Rose Madder



User Flow


The Dashboard screen was one of the Primary screens on the applications and was designed considering the ease of use for the end user. Irrespective of his investments through the platform the user shall be able to understand and manoeuvre through the dashboard and gain information easily


A simple segregated view for all investments and the structure of the user's Assets are displayed on a single screen. All instruments used are self-explanatory and bring clarity of his net worth to the user.


Market options to Buy/Sell are included in a way that will induce the end user to make the right decisions with clear information of all Market sectors. Statistical and critical information is displayed upfront for the user to quickly assess market performance.

All Screens

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